Heresy founder Eric Fraad featured in a new book on Andy Warhol
THANK YOU ANDY WARHOL by Catherine Johnson includes writings by 72 artists, celebrities and other personalities who knew and were influenced by Warhol.
Johnson writes:
“One of the things on my list (when I moved to New York) was to meet Andy Warhol… It was a couple of months before he died, my friend Eric Fraad, the opera director who is included in this book, invited me to his modernist production of Mozart’s Magic Flute at the New York Academy of Art.
I approached Andy and gushed something. I immediately realized I had performed the cardinal sin of touching him, he froze… I tried to make amends as fast as possible by blabbering about how talented Eric was, and what great things he was doing with his contemporary interpretations of opera. The alarmed experience on Andy’s face softened. He smiled, but only slightly, and said, “Gee, that’s great. I hear opera’s making a comeback.”