Business Post Q&A with Caitríona O’Leary

Caitríona O’Leary’ features in the TASTEMAKER section of The Business Post on November 11, 2022. She answers some questions put to her by Ben Haugh.
What was your earliest ambition?
To be Jana of the Jungle.
What’s a scent that you associate with your childhood?
The smell of burnt matches – this brings me right back to camping holidays with my family in Donegal or Kerry. It conjures up the echo of the match being struck, the whoosh of the gas flowing, the touching of the flame to the mantle of the gas lantern, the blue of the burning gas, the rattle of the glass back down around the flame, and the crescendo of whoosh as the light is turned up.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Very much an introvert. Except onstage.
What’s your motto for life?
It’s all only a game! I tend to take things too seriously. Except games.